Immune Boosting Recipes


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Immune Boosting Recipes

Our vision at Saladmaster is to lead the movement back to healthy home cooking, and there has never been a greater time for us to share this vision with the world!

With greater focus on what we eat and how we can lead a healthier lifestyle, here are recipes with great immune boosting qualities


Mushrooms are the only plant source of Vitamin D, so this Mushroom Pasta is a great dish to boost your natural intake of Vitamin D.


•    1 lb Mushrooms (white or baby bella) thick sliced
•    ¼ cup Balsamic Vinegar
•    4 cloves minced Garlic (cone #1)
•    ¼ tsp ground Black Pepper
•    ¼ cup chopped Parsley (flat-leaf preferred)
•    1 lb. cooked Angel Hair Pasta

Cheeze Sauce Ingredients:
•    2 cup Soy Milk
•    1 cup Low-Sodium Vegetable Broth
•    3/4 cup Nutritional Yeast Flakes
•    3/4 tsp Salt
•    1/2 tsp Dried Mustard
•    1/4 tsp Paprika
•    1/8 tsp Garlic Powder
•    1/16 tsp Turmeric
•    1/4 cup All-Purpose Flour
•    Black Pepper to Taste

1.    Cook pasta noodles according to package directions.
2.     Preheat a wide and shallow pan for 3 minutes over medium heat. Then, brown mushrooms for 3-4 minutes on each side.
3.     After browned, add vinegar, pepper and garlic. Cover and simmer over medium heat for about 5 minutes until all sauce has been absorbed into the mushroom.
4.     Combine all ingredients for non-dairy cheeze sauce in a 3 qt saucepan. Bring to a low boil and constantly whisk to prevent burning and sticking. Cook and whisk for about 5-7 minutes until sauce is thick.
5.     Stir sauce over cooked pasta and toss until combined well. Divide into individual serving bowls. Top with mushrooms and sprinkles of fresh chopped parsley.


Ginger and Lemons are great foods to help you boost your immune, so this simple tonic makes a great drink to start your day.

•    3 inch knob of fresh ginger.
•    1 lemon.
•    Sprinkle cayenne pepper.
•    1 tsp manuka honey.
•    1 cup water.

Juice the lemon and ginger in a juicer.  Put the juice in a mug, and add warm water honey and cayenne pepper.



With broccoli rich in antioxidants this salad makes either a great side dish or main meal.

•    4 cup Broccoli florets, cut into bite-size chunks (cone #3)
•    2 Carrots, shredded or grated (cone #1)
•    2 Tbsp Agave Nectar
•    1 Tbsp Dijon Mustard

•    1 Tbsp Rice vinegar
•    ¾ cup Walnuts, chopped (cone #3)
•    ¼ cup Dried cherries
•    1 Tbsp Sunflower Seeds

1.    Whisk together agave, Dijon and vinegar in a small bowl.
2.    Add veggies to a large bowl, pour sauce on top and gently toss until evenly coated.



Featuring pumpkin seeds that are a great source of Vitamin E and lemon that is a great sauce of vitamin C this simple and easy to make recipe is great as a side dish.

•    1/2 head red cabbage (done using Saladmaster Food Processor Cone #2)
•    2 cups sauerkraut
•    1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds - toasted
•    Lemon juice & zest
•    3 T Lemon avocado oil
•    1/8-1/4 tsp sea salt
•    1/2 tsp pepper

1.    Mix everything together.  Serve raw or cook medium click low.




•    4 tbsp, miso paste
•    6-10 tbsp, hot water
•    1 tsp, grated fresh ginger (grated using Saladmaster Food Processor #1)
•    1 tsp maple syrup

Main Dish
•    2 sweet potatoes - yams cut with Saladmaster Food Processor cone #3
•    1 1/2 cups quinoa
•    3 cups water or vegetable stock
•    1 cup fresh parsley minced

2.    Place quinoa, broth and sweet potatoes in the Electric Oil Core Skillet and set the temperature to 400 degrees.  
3.    In a separate dish, mix all ingredients for the dressing together.  
4.    Medium Click low-Cook for 30 minutes, until soft
5.    Top with parsley and dressing.


Our global network of Independent Authorized Dealers and Saladmaster Cooking Coaches are still very active and sharing our mission to use cooking to inspire people to live better, eat better, and achieve the life they desire.

Therefore if you have any questions you can reach out to your local Dealer to find out more by clicking here

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