Our Top 10 Blogs for 2019


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David Hopkins
/ Categories: Health & Nutrition, Success

Our Top 10 Blogs for 2019

A Year of Health and Success

This post will be the last blog of 2019. What an amazing year! We wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the year’s top articles from “Delicious Perspectives.”

[Before the end of the year, there’s still time to purchase our premium cookware. If you reach out to an Independent Authorized Saladmaster Dealer, they will be able to show you the cookware in action and teach you how to use it.]

1. Starting the Year with Atomic Habits: Tiny Changes Can Yield Remarkable Results

Thinking about small changes that can be maintained—not just for the next 30 or 60 days, but for a lifetime—is key. For example, cooking more at home can be a massive goal with numerous benefits. It may seem daunting to a lot of people. It might be better to start by getting in the habit of planning out your weekly trip to the grocery store with more items that would be useful for meals at home. Or maybe, you need to reorganize your kitchen so that the cookware is on display and easily accessible, instead of hidden away in a cabinet. You may want to start with the simplest recipes, once a week. These habits should not be seen as “a finish line to be crossed. They’re a lifestyle to be lived.”

2. Overcoming Obesity: 4 Questions You Should Ask Yourself

If you fear that you may be obese, you certainly do not want to ignore the problem—but trying too much, too soon might also increase the likelihood of failing to follow through, no matter how strong your resolve. Fact is it’s much easier to prevent obesity than to treat it.

3. Let’s Do Lunch: Which Meal is Actually the Most Important?

It may be tempting to “power through” the afternoon with only a short break, but our productivity does diminish without a more substantial lunch break. According to DeskTime.com: “A study of UK workers showed that only 30 percent take a proper lunch break (more than half an hour) and over half of the workers (52 percent) are skipping their lunch break entirely.” A lunch break helps workers to reflect, reset, and renew their efforts in the afternoon. The human brain isn’t capable of working eight hours straight.

4. The Benefits of One-on-One Sales: Why Having a Dedicated Dealer Beats Impersonal, Online Shopping

With Saladmaster, you will have the complete attention of the Cooking Coach who has come to talk with you. What does this mean? You will have a better understanding of the product. You will be able to make a more informed, more confident decision. And we believe you will enjoy your cookware more, when you purchase with that confidence.

5. Oodles of Zoodles: Healthy Pasta Alternatives

Zoodles, or zucchini noodles, have become increasingly popular. Zucchini is a fantastic source of nutrients, such as manganese, vitamin C, potassium, b vitamins, and fiber. However, zucchini isn’t the only vegetable noodle. From healthline.com: "Over the last few years, spiralized vegetables have taken the culinary world by storm — and rightfully so, since they provide an easy and attractive way to add more vegetables to your diet. Spiralized vegetables are those sliced by a spiralizer — a kitchen device used to cut vegetables into long strips, which resemble noodles. Many vegetables can be spiralized, but the most popular are zucchini, carrots, turnips, beets and cucumbers."

6. Nurturing Friendships: 4 Steps to Living Better with Healthy Relationships

You can meet people online. But to really develop those friendships, you need to get out of the house and be available. Enjoy some one-on-one, face-to-face conversations. As Oscar Wilde said, “Ultimately the bond of all companionship is conversation.” We can sometimes get complacent by following up with friends online. It’s one way to see what they are up to, but it’s not a good way to build your friendships.

7. Eating Habits Start in Childhood: Healthful Tips for Success

Good nutrition and healthy habits start at home. Modeling good food choices, eating styles and activity levels can set the basis for a lifetime of healthy habits and healthy bodies. If your family has a long way to go in changing habits, try doing so gradually. Make one or two changes at a time, giving the family a few weeks to adjust. Point out the positive benefits such as feeling better and having more energy. And prepare foods in your Saladmaster healthy cooking system to ensure that you and your family receive the maximum benefit from your meals. Remember that living a healthy life is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the trip!

8. Cookware Sets Can Make a Big Difference: A Change in Your Cookware Could Change Your Life

Small adjustments to your daily routine can be life changing, both positive and negative. For example, we all know that mindlessly snacking on junk food throughout the day, over a long period of time, can have a severe impact on a person’s health. And according to Harvard Health, “A growing body of evidence suggests that spending too many hours sitting is hazardous to your health.” Junk food has long been the enemy of good health, but who would believe that an activity as seemingly benign as sitting could be dangerous? Conversely, the Mayo Clinic suggests that small amounts of aerobic exercise—such as a brisk walk or mowing the lawn—can be helpful. Also, focused breathing for a few minutes each day can lower blood pressure. Cutting out one sugar-sweetened soda can save you 100 or more calories a day. Over a year, that could translate into a 10-pound weight loss. (Data taken from Harvard Health.)

9. Get the Most From Your Saladmaster Dealers: Healthy Home Cooking Starts Here

Saladmaster is unlike any other cookware company. Saladmaster wants to lead the movement back to healthy home cooking. In other words, we want to do more than simply sell you an amazing cookware set. Our customers enjoy an ongoing relationship with their Independent Authorized Dealer that they’ve connected with. "We continue that relationship through our personal weekly callings for help, cooking tips, and service questions, and through our Cook Schools to keep inspiring people to cook healthy with recipes,” says April Perton, Dealer with Cooking4Fitness in Fayetteville, North Carolina. “The Saladmaster experience creates memorable moments that make us family way past the sales.”

10. 7 Healthy Foods to Eat: These Foods Will Never Let You Down!

We know that a healthy-eating plan is the best way to keep blood glucose level under control and prevent diabetes complications. But as we try to live healthier and more active lives, it can be challenging to determine which healthy foods to eat. Every year, certain foods that were once on the “good list” have been moved to the “bad list” and vice versa. However, there are some reliable, consistent foods that if we use them in our meal planning we can trust we’re on the right path.

What were some of your favorite blog posts or articles this year? Share it on Instagram or Facebook. Make sure to use the #Saladmaster hashtag, so we can see it.

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To learn more about what Saladmaster can do for you, 
please contact a Dealer, and enjoy tasting the Saladmaster difference by hosting a Cooking Show.

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