Beyond the Egg Hunt


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Beyond the Egg Hunt
David Hopkins

Beyond the Egg Hunt

7 Family Activities for Easter

Easter is this Sunday. As far as holidays go, it’s always been an eclectic mix of springtime imagery, religious observance, and family activities — the soft pastels, painted eggs, a mischievous bunny to hid them, baskets of candy, Sunday church services, and possibly brunch. (If you’re curious about the bunny’s Easter origins, this article explains it.)

Painting and hiding eggs can be a lot of fun for the kids. It’s an opportunity to come together as a family and engage in some creative messiness. But what if you’re looking for some non-candy, non-egg hunt activities?

Here are a few ideas:

1. Family Relay Races — With the mild spring weather, it’s the perfect time to get out of the house and get a little goofy. Try some relay races! The kids won’t soon forget Mom or Dad trying to push a ball across the front yard while on their hands and knees.

2. Water Balloon Fight — If you don’t mind getting wet, a water balloon fight is a fun way to celebrate the warmer weather. Disclaimer: I’d let the little kids win. It’s fun in theory until the youngest one gets pelted in the face by a high-speed water balloon.

3. Jelly Bean Guessing Game — Set out the jar of jelly beans and give everyone some time to carefully consider their guesses. Write down everyone’s answer, and one Sunday, start counting!

4. Spring Gardening — Different plants thrive in different seasons. You may want to check first with the garden store on what they’d recommend, but it could be a good annual tradition to put on the work gloves and start planting.

5. Craft Projects — Instead of decorating eggs, why not decorate the basket? You could also grab some construction paper, scissors, and glue to put together some personalized bunny ears. But any craft project would do, from tie-dying shirts to making beaded bracelets.

6. Cook Together — It’s important for children to get involved in family meals at a young age. You could have them measure ingredients, stir the pancake mix, or set the table. For Easter, instead of painting eggs, how about eating them? Here’s how to make eggs three different ways using the Saladmaster method without using any oil or butter.

7. Sidewalk Chalk — Decorate the concrete with Easter-themed art and sentiments. It’s a sweet way to share what is meaningful to you about the holiday with the rest of the neighborhood.

What Easter activities would you recommend? Share your thoughts on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Use the #Saladmaster hashtag so we can see it. 

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