Notre Histoire | Saladmaster

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

Saladmaster is a proud sponsor of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a nonprofit organization that promotes preventive medicine, conducts clinical research and encourages high research standards.


Like Saladmaster, the Physicians Committee shares the philosophy of teaching people how to prepare healthy, delicious meals through cooking classes and demonstrations. The Physicians Committee Food for Life is an award-winning nutrition and cooking education program that began in 2001 with cooking classes for cancer prevention and survival and has now expanded to offer eight types of curricula, including topics on healthy weight management, diabetes prevention, kid's health, employee wellness, and healthy eating on a budget. Today, Saladmaster provides stainless steel cookware used in these cooking class demonstrations, which have proven to be an effective way of teaching people easy, practical ways to fight diet-related diseases with the power of nutrition.

Saladmaster GK777 Village Project

There is no better reflection of Saladmaster’s tagline, We Change Life, than the collective efforts of our team members with the GK777 initiative. GK777 stands for “Gawad Kalinga” – translated it means “to give care.” This care is delivered in the form of new homes for the homeless and food for the hungry in communities throughout the Philippines. And it’s not just about money donated. GK777 is about restoring dignity to people who have lost hope. It’s about building a local community, and in turn, building a community that crosses borders.

Saladmaster’s involvement started in 2006 when two senior Saladmaster Dealers decided to donate funds to build 10 homes through GK777. Saladmaster saw firsthand the positive effects of this life-changing initiative and named GK777 as its beneficiary. By committing a portion of each sale to the project, participating Saladmaster Dealers and Consultants have since raised enough funds to build more than 75 homes to date.

Our History

We’re much more than salad – which is why people often ask about the Saladmaster name. Knowing a little history helps. It not only explains our name, but also the vision that propelled us to where we are today.

In 1946, the Saladmaster brand began in the home of Mr. Harry Lemmons. He didn’t have much cash, but Mr. Lemmons did have a vision for introducing the world to a unique product he believed would change the way busy families prepared healthy meals. It was called the Saladmaster, and it offered a new, time-saving technique for slicing fruits and vegetables for salads. That product, of course, became internationally known and the namesake for a business that transformed the way the world cooks.

During that first year, Mr. Lemmons’ sales force grew from just three people to more than 100. It seemed Americans were hungry for what the young entrepreneur had envisioned. And as the product line expanded over the years, the Saladmaster sales team continued to grow in numbers and enthusiasm. Individuals discovered they could make a living by making a difference in the lives of customers across the country. The growing company became more like a family, and the support it provided opened doors to all kinds of financial success.

When stainless steel cookware was introduced in 1952, Saladmaster developed a series so durable and strong, nothing on the market compared – which was exactly what customers were asking for. We’ve continued to strengthen our product over the years, and even so, some of our earliest cookware is still being used today in the kitchens of second- and third-generation families.

In 1979, Regal Ware, Inc., recognized Saladmaster as an industry star. The veteran cookware manufacturer also closely identified with Saladmaster’s customer-first philosophy. Both companies were directly connected to the lives of the people who purchased their products, and as a result, created business models that put customers’ needs and interests at the forefront. With this shared focus and a vision for impacting even more lives with better cooking experiences – Regal Ware purchased Saladmaster.

With our customers at the heart of our story, we continue investing in research and technology that will support the kitchenware of the future. And as always, the Saladmaster sales team remains our driving force. Each and every member is fueled by invaluable training and support, and all the opportunities that come with working for a premium brand. As a team – as a family – we remain committed to making life better for generations of food aficionados.

Christian Aid

More than half of the world’s population cook on open fires, using solid fuels such as wood or charcoal, this causes deadly air pollution inside their homes. In Nigeria alone, an estimated sixty-nine percent of the total population use solid fuel for cooking.


Shockingly, this Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) emitted by burning solid fuel indoors, especially in poorly ventilated conditions, is responsible for 4.3 million deaths a year. IAP has a particularly strong association with morbidity and mortality in women and children. In addition, use of solid fuel often results in negative social effects including more time for cooking meals, time and strain in the gathering of and expenditure on cooking fuels, again especially by women and children. These, in turn, negatively impact on the time used for other activities including gaining education and undertaking income generating practices. Environmental impacts include pollution of ambient air and uncontrolled harvest of wood with consequent destruction of wildlife habitat and deforestation. Despite the dangers, poorer families have no alternative. Many do not know that better stoves exist, and even those who do can’t afford to buy such a ‘luxury’.

This is why in early 2015, Saladmaster initiated a ‘partnership for change’ with Christian Aid to address the adverse health, livelihood and environmental impacts of solid fuel and the development of Improved Cook Stoves (ICS). Use of ICS has been shown to improve cooking efficiency when compared with traditional cooking methods, reducing the quantity of cooking fuel required and time expended in collecting such fuels. Consequently, this delivers potential to improve health, increase household income and benefit the environment and global climate.

Vue d’ensemble de l’entreprise

Inspirer les gens à cuisiner davantage

Saladmaster a pour mission de rendre la vie meilleure. Pendant des décennies, nous avons offert une batterie de cuisine de qualité supérieure de classe mondiale qui inspire une meilleure cuisine, une vie plus saine et toutes sortes d’occasions délicieuses. Si un chou-fleur parfaitement cuit vous passionne et si vous aimez avoir une cuisine bondée d’amis et de membres de la famille, nous pouvons vous aider à vivre davantage de ces moments privilégiés.
  • Notre passion
  • Notre histoire

Nous transformons la vie.

Cette déclaration est pour le moins audacieuse mais vous la comprendrez mieux après avoir appris à nous connaître. Saladmaster inspire le changement en donnant aux gens le pouvoir de rendre leur vie extraordinaire. Des produits de renommée mondiale, des idées imaginatives ainsi qu'une culture d'enthousiasme et de soutien sont les ingrédients qui rendent cela possible. Nous vous offrons tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour améliorer votre façon de cuisiner, vos liens avec vos anciens et vos nouveaux amis, et même le cours de votre carrière. Saladmaster transforme vraiment la vie. Et nous aimerions faire partie de la vôtre.

Soixante-dix ans à rendre la vie meilleure.

Nous offrons bien plus que de la salade, telle est la réponse à la question que se posent les gens à propos du nom Saladmaster. Pour mieux comprendre, voici notre petite histoire. Elle vous expliquera non seulement notre nom, mais aussi la vision qui nous a propulsés là où nous sommes aujourd'hui. M. Harry Lemmons est l'homme par qui tout a commencé. Il y a des dizaines d'années, M. Lemmons a proposé une solution visant à offrir aux familles occupées un moyen plus facile et plus sain de cuisiner de délicieux repas. Son nom : « Le Saladmaster ». Cette solution regorgeait de techniques permettant de trancher des fruits et des légumes frais et de préparer des repas plus nourrissants en moins de temps. Le Saladmaster, bien sûr, s'est taillé une renommée mondiale et est
devenu l'homonyme d'une société qui continue à
transformer la façon de cuisiner dans le monde entier. Lire davantage
  • Si vous mangez bien et que vous préparez vos aliments de la bonne façon, vous aurez plus de chance d’être en bonne santé.
    – Harry Lemmons
  • J’ai créé la gamme Regal en fonction de ma connaissance de ce que nos clients veulent.
    – J.O. Reigle
  • Il n’existe pas un amour plus sincère que l’amour pour la bouffe.
    – George Bernard Shaw


Partenaires communautaires qui transforment les vies

Saladmaster a l’honneur de s’associer à deux organisations exceptionnelles qui améliorent la vie des gens partout dans le monde.


  • Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
    Saladmaster est un fier commanditaire du Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), un organisme sans but lucratif qui fait la promotion de la médecine préventive, mène des recherches cliniques et favorise des normes de recherche élevées.
    Gawad Kalinga Community Development Foundation
    Il n’y a pas de meilleur reflet du slogan de Saladmaster, Nous transformons les vies, que les efforts conjugués des membres de notre équipe et de l’initiative GK777. GK777 désigne Gawad Kalinga, dont la traduction signifie « prodiguer des soins ».
  • Christian Aid
    Plus de la moitié de la population mondiale cuisine à feu ouvert, en utilisant des combustibles solides tels que le bois ou le charbon de bois, ce qui entraîne une pollution de l’air mortelle à l’intérieur de leurs maisons. Au Nigeria seulement, environ soixante-neuf pour cent de la population totale utilise du combustible solide pour cuisiner.
    Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology (C.H.E.K) Institute
    L’institut Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology (C.H.E.K) est un établissement d’enseignement d’élite basé en Californie qui s’engage à habiliter les gens grâce aux principes de base qui sont essentiels pour une santé, une performance et un bien-être optimaux.

Renseignez-vous davantage sur la façon dont notre batterie de cuisine est conçue pour une performance et une résistance accrues. 

Nos produits
Canada DSA      DSA Code of Ethics      Saladmaster Inc BBB Business Review