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Eating Habits Start in Childhood
8. 14, 2019

Eating Habits Start in Childhood

By the time most children are in elementary school, they know the basics of healthy eating. But whether or not they actually have good eating habits depends on what is learned and practiced at home. Healthy, or unhealthy, eating habits are established very early in life and can indeed set the stage for how healthy we are as we age.

Nurturing Friendships
8. 1, 2019

Nurturing Friendships

At Saladmaster, our mission is to inspire people to eat better, live better, and achieve the life they desire. And when it comes to “living better,” according to a 2016 article from Live Science, the research is clear: Friendships are critically important; they help people live longer, stay healthy, and maintain a sharper mind.
Top Travel Destinations
7. 24, 2019

Top Travel Destinations

With a little bit of preplanning, if you are willing to try something different, you might save money on a truly unique and memorable vacation experience.
