Have You Read Any Books by Our Saladmaster Authors?


David Hopkins
/ Categories: Health & Nutrition, Success

Have You Read Any Books by Our Saladmaster Authors?

Inspirational Writings from Ayo, Larry, and Zig

Saladmaster has always provided a platform for our Life Changers to inspire others. You should not be surprised to learn that over the years we’ve had some of our top leaders publish books — sharing their valuable experience and insight.

[Connect with a local Dealer if you’d like to learn more about how we change life through our cookware.]

If you would like to learn how our President Ayo Olaseinde went from being a “casual laborer in a bakery” to becoming a successful business person, or how Executive Elite Master Dealer Larry Dickman has excelled during his fifty-plus years of work in direct sales, or how Saladmaster Hall of Famer Zig Ziglar learned the value of integrity, these books are great. Each one walks you through important life moments that forever shaped their outlook and understanding of success.

There is a wealth of wisdom in these books, literally from A to Z!

Achieve with Ayo 

Have You Got the Why “Y” Factor? by Ayo Olaseinde

This book is a personal story of learning from successes and failures and using them to achieve considerable success. Through the life lessons, you will learn how to achieve a healthy, successful and positive lifestyle. By re-introducing the question “why?” in a positive manner into our daily lives, we can develop a better understanding of life and learn to build a happier, positive, and more successful way of life.

Learn from Larry

A Salesman!: Reflections on My Life Story by Larry Dickman

In Larry Dickman’s own words, he “stumbled into selling cookware.” At first, he made $50 for every set of cookware he sold, and he felt rich. From there, it was on to selling sewing machines and cars before he joined Saladmaster. In this memoir, he shares critical lessons for sales professionals, including how to qualify referrals in tactful ways, get follow-up appointments, and embrace change even when you like the status quo.

Zeal for Zig

See You at the Top by Zig Ziglar

Zig Ziglar is one of the great motivators of our age. He has traveled the world, encouraging, uplifting, and inspiring audiences. His groundbreaking best seller, See You at the Top, remains an authentic American classic. In this book, he stresses the importance of honesty, loyalty, faith, integrity, and strong personal character.

If you’ve read and enjoyed these books, tell us your thoughts on Facebook. Make sure to follow us and use the #Saladmaster hashtag, so we can see it.

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please contact a Dealer, and enjoy tasting the Saladmaster difference by hosting a Cooking Show.

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