Saladmaster Cooking Tips: Stovetop Roasting


Saladmaster Cooking Tips: Stovetop Roasting

Saladmaster Cooking Tips: Stovetop Roasting

How to Cook without an Oven

When you are cooking for a hungry crowd, it’s not always easy to get everything ready in time, especially during the holidays! Timing is everything, and stovetop cooking can help you increase energy efficiency while also maximizing your flavor, nutrition and food savings. 


Why Stovetop Roast? 

Why make the transition to stovetop? You will find you use a fraction of the energy and things will cook in about half the time because each Saladmaster roaster is your own personal stovetop oven! Since meats, cakes and desserts can be baked or roasted on top of the stove, this also keeps your home cooler during hot summer weather. 


How to Cook with Saladmaster: Stovetop Roasting 

1. Preheat the pan on medium heat with the cover on for approximately 3-5 minutes. Remove cover and you will know if pan is preheated once sprinkled water forms beads in the pan. 

2. Place your the ingredients into the pan and cover. When placing food in the preheated pan it should lightly sizzle if it is preheated properly. If food starts smoking heavily once you place in pan, reduce heat slightly and simply adjust the temperature the next time you cook that food.

3. Reduce heat to low once Vapo-Valve™ clicks steadily. Keep scrolling to see the cooking time required per pound for the type of meat you are stovetop roasting. 



  • If you uncover and check your food during the cooking process, this may increase overall cooking time. 
  • A little trial and error will make you an expert for understanding the temperature settings of your individual stove. For example, medium heat on gas and induction stoves may require lower settings, as compared to other ceramic electric stovetops. 

Saladmaster Guide to Stovetop Roasting

Stovetop Roasting Tips for Poultry

Use this technique for whole birds or bone-in pieces that you might otherwise roast in the oven.

Preheat roaster 2 to 3 minutes over medium heat, until a few drops of water splashed in the pan bead and dance.  Cook poultry on all sides until browned.  Meat may stick, but it will loosen as browning continues.  Turn gently, using a spatula to loosen skin from pan without tearing.  Do not add liquids unless recipe specifies.  Cover; when Vapo-Valve™ clicks, reduce heat to low and cook according to the following chart.

To test for doneness, especially when roasting whole poultry, stuffed or unstuffed, or turkey breasts, use an instant-read meat thermometer.  When inserted in thickest part of thigh without touching bone, thermometer should register 180 to 185 degrees.  Center of stuffing should be at least 165 degrees.

Stovetop Roasting  Poultry Minutes Per Pound
whole, halves, quarters 25
serving-size pieces 20
boneless breasts 15
whole breast, bone-in 25
stuffed breast 30
boneless "steaks" or "fillets" 15
Cornish Game Hens
whole, halves   30
whole stuffed 30
whole, halves, pieces 30



 Saladmaster Sizzlers
Saladmaster Stovetop Turkey

Saladmaster Stovetop Ham

To see full recipes that were featured in the above Saladmaster YouTube videos, please click on any of the following links: 

For Saladmaster prices and promotions, please sign up here to be connected to an Authorized Saladmaster Dealer. 




Stovetop Roasting Tips for Meat

Preheat roaster (or skillet) over medium heat. When several drops of water sprinkled on roaster skitter and dissipate, approximately 2 - 3 minutes, place meat firmly into roaster and press down to ensure even searing. Brown meat on all sides. The meat may stick, but will loosen as it is browned. Do not add liquid (unless recipe calls for it). Cover roaster and cook according to times listed in the recipe, or remove Versa Loc™ handles and finish cooking in the oven as directed in recipe. If simply roasting meat without following a recipe, use this chart as a guide.

Meat Minutes Per Pound
 Rare 10
Medium Rare 12
Medium 15
Well Done 20



Meat Minutes Per Pound
Rare 20
Medium 25
Well Done 30

Pork 25 - 30
Veal 20


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