Invaluable Insights from our New President, Ayo Olaseinde


Invaluable Insights from our New President, Ayo Olaseinde
Ivy Ho
/ Categories: Family, Success

Invaluable Insights from our New President, Ayo Olaseinde

Anything is possible!

Successful leaders aren’t all the same. However, in the books, the conferences, the training seminars, we’re sometimes led to believe there is only one way to be effective. We can spend our whole life trying to figure out what makes a particular leader tick. In the end, every leader has their own approach, their own style. Each one finds their own path to success. 

Some leaders are quiet. Some are loud. Some leaders are emotional. Some are stoic. Some leaders like to share their wisdom. Others tend to remain a mystery. Some leaders stay up all night fixating on every detail of the organization. Others leave on time and sleep just fine. Some leaders check in on their team constantly. Others are content to observe from a distance. No single attribute seems to be an indicator for success. The only common trait among leaders is that they possess some intangible quality, which compels others to follow them and share in their vision. 


Ayo Olaseinde (pronounced “Eye-oh Ah-la-sen-day”) has been a leader within Saladmaster for a long time. The path he’s taken to become the president of our global operation is not by any means typical, but it’s hard to argue with the results. Under his leadership, the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) division has been one of Saladmaster’s fastest-growing divisions. Ayo’s leadership has also led to Saladmaster UK being recognized multiple times by organizations for direct sales and overall excellence. Ayo has been featured in the Staffordshire Newsletter, the Dallas Morning News, as well as Direct Sales Association and Social Sharing Association publications, all highlighting his success as a driven leader. 

How did Ayo get to where he is and what lessons can we learn from his unique background? His book Have You Got the Why Factor? gives us some invaluable insight.


direct sales business opportunity

Hard work is essential to lasting success. 

 In his book, Ayo writes about his formative experiences working at a bread factory.  

“I had to stand in line outside the bakery with the other potential workers every day, hoping to get a day’s work when demand was high. A truly humbling experience. I was never selected at first, but I kept coming back to the bakery door every day. Eventually, I was picked by the foreman to work for the day. I worked very hard that day, and was asked to come back the next day. I worked even harder the second day I was chosen, and continued to work harder and harder every day I was selected, simply because I was willing to work hard and willing to learn. Eventually, the Union workers became angry because the Manager was giving me all of the overtime hours.”  

Nothing truly good happens without some hard work. This lesson shouldn’t come as surprise to anyone, but we need the reminder and the occasional example of what hard work looks like. The rewards and accolades won’t come after the first day. But as you consistently put in the effort, it will pay off.  

Work somewhere that allows you to grow and develop. 

“Direct Sales is one of the few businesses, which will allow you in without previous experience. It’s an environment where you grow and develop. Then, you go onto the next challenge, which allows you to grow and develop even more. It’s like climbing a ladder; each rung represents a milestone of personal growth and happiness. Joining the world of sales, while constantly asking myself the question ‘Why’ has given me a tremendous amount of professional and personal success.” 

Hard work is essential, but it can be frustrating to work somewhere that doesn’t provide opportunities for growth. Sales can be intimidating to some, but it shouldn’t be. There isn’t just one way to be effective. You never know what is possible if you put in the work and are open to learning. As Ayo often says — and it’s become a rallying cry at Saladmaster — “Anything is possible.” 

At Saladmaster, one of the most important things we do is provide life-changing business opportunities for people willing to work hard and are open to learning new skills. No matter who you are, there’s no limit to what you can do. Ayo Olaseinde is a beloved leader in our organization, in part, because of his commitment to seizing upon the opportunities in front of him. 

It’s hard to not be inspired by such a person.



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