3 Easy Steps to Achieving Your True Potential


3 Easy Steps to Achieving Your True Potential

3 Easy Steps to Achieving Your True Potential

By Dave Bryant, Saladmaster Regional Manager of the Sunshine Division

Every person is born with unique gifts and talents that can make a difference. These attributes can help anyone achieve their true potential. Let me share what has given me the courage to pursue my dreams.  

It all started with my mother. 

She became a wife at age 19, giving birth to me and my brothers a few years later. She grew up pursuing ballet, figure skating, and modeling — along with a deep devotion to church life and music. People who have met her remember her positive attitude. She always had a kind word for everyone. After my mother passed away, we found a poem taped to her refrigerator. This particular poem defined her life, and ultimately, has come to shape my life as well. For over 40 years, I have used this poem to help me focus on what I need to do in business. It’s my pleasure to share it with you. 

At first glancethe poem seems to be about persevering through life’s struggles without quitting. But actually, when you take a closer look, you’ll see what I see. This poem is not only about resisting the urge to quit. It’s also about achieving your true potential by following certain steps.

Don’t Quit
by John Greenleaf Whittier

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest if you must, but don't you quit.
 Success is failure turned inside out,
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar.
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit —
It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit.


STEP 1. Set your goals.

No matter what, you will encounter challenges. So it’s important to have goals that light your path, and help you overcome the dark times. The truth is this: you deserve to thrive. Don’t settle for less than what you’re capable of. Set your goals, so you can clearly assess what it will take to realize those goals. For myself and my beautiful wife Flo, we saw the potential for growth and success when we first started a Saladmaster business. We love the fact that as a couple, we can work together each day. We are able to combine our individual strengths and work hard every day toward our goal of becoming Master Dealers year after year. This goal helps us keep our focus. It has been a lot of hard work, but we have a lot of fun too! In a few short years, we have made so many new friends and have enjoyed several trips and rewards along the way.

STEP 2. Don’t lose your focus.

The poem emphasizes “you must not quit.” But if you stop and think about it, whenever life’s struggles seem overwhelming, that’s the time when your focus must be strongest. Go for the win. Keep distractions and excuses from entering your thoughts. You’ll have a greater chance of performing your best, regardless of circumstances or whatever life throws at you. 

When it comes to winning, I have another poem that comes to mind:


Adapted from the poem “Thinking”
Walter D. Wintle 

 Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later the one who wins
Is someone who thinks they can!


These verses take me back to when I was a boy. My father used to read me the “Little Engine That Could.” Even from a young age, anyone can begin to understand the power of focus, and how it can help you achieve your true potential.


STEP 3. Stay humble. It’s about being with the right people.

No matter how tough things get or how good things get, it’s good to keep yourself grounded. Surround yourself with supportive people. If you let failures get to you, you’ll feel paralyzed by self-pity, and be less likely to learn from mistakes. On the other hand, I’ve seen too many people who’ve let success get to their head. They end up with fewer people willing to follow their lead. When you put yourself above others, they’ll feel that they can’t possibly accomplish what you did. And I never want to be the person who extinguishes another person’s ambitions. To accomplish the life you desire, you need to get the right people on board. That means you always strive to be a mentor, but also be willing to be mentored. 

Being with the right people makes a difference. Flo and I have had the opportunity to meet so many people from around the world in just a few short years. So much talent, experience, and knowledge exists among the Saladmaster family. It is truly a privilege to be part of it.

What sets Saladmaster apart from other direct selling organizations is the people. As with any new business owner, our start up came with many challenges. We were impressed by the amount of support and encouragement we received from fellow dealers, trainers, and the home office staff. Everyone was willing to share their time and knowledge with us. This support truly did make a difference. We do everything we can to pay-it-forward!

Discover the Dream
Turn your talents into opportunity!

There are no limits to what you can accomplish when you use your talents to their fullest potential. Consider this my personal invitation for you to discover new possibilities with Saladmaster.

We did a lot of research before taking a closer look at the Saladmaster business opportunityAnd when we saw our first Saladmaster cooking show, we were impressed with the product, and more so with the cooking experience. Then we visited an Open House and that pretty much clinched it for us. It was such a positive experience, seeing the excitement between the cooking coaches, their customers and new recruits. The customers were so pleased with their cookware. Everyone was happy to be there. I encourage you to contact your nearest Saladmaster dealer and see it for yourself. 

Whether you just want to earn extra income, or you desire a more rewarding career with the ability to earn luxurious trips, beautiful gifts, bonuses and awards — with Saladmaster, you can!  

Saladmaster provides on-the-spot training by our talented and educated cooking coaches, while you use your talents to help others experience the world of Saladmaster. Our cooking coaches and leadership team will be with you every step of the way on your path to success.

[Check out this video on Saladmaster Reviews.]

You never know what you are capable of accomplishing until you put your talents to the test. Don’t delay. Seize the day!

About Dave Bryant

With 40 years of experience in the direct selling industry, Dave Bryant is an entrepreneur and leader who has built his success by helping others achieve their dreams. As Saladmaster's award-winning Regional Manager of the Sunshine Division, Dave leads people in their pursuit for excellence. Together with his wife Flo, they are partners in business and in life. In their spare time, Dave and Flo enjoy cycling, golfing, and exploring the world through travel.





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and enjoy tasting the Saladmaster difference by hosting a cooking show.

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